Statistical Analysis in the Lexis Diagram:
Age-Period-Cohort models
Course under the auspices of
Lectures & Practicals:
Bendix Carstensen, senior
statistician, Steno Diabetes Center, Copenhagen
The course is free of charge.
Further details about the course, including application and enrollment are
Deadline for application is 29 February 2016.
- Overview of the course.
- Detailed program for the course.
- Slides used during the lectures; handouts as
3-up or
4-up or
8-up or
- Practicals for the course in
pdf-format. It also has a short overview section of basic concepts
in probability, survival and demography.
- Notes on Linear
Algebra might be useful if you are not perfectly
familiar with matrix algebra etc. Chapter 2 will be used
extensively in the discussion of the APC-models.
- Computing: There will be a substantial practical component
of the course, and you will be assumed bring a computer
with R installed and to be fairly familiar
with R.
- Make sure your R-installation is up to date, the latest
version of R is currently 3.2.4
- You should install the Epi package, the latest which is version
2.4, not on CRAN yet, but the windows .zip is here:
or you may do: install.packages("Epi", repos="")
- Finally, it would be useful to have the
packages demography, ilc and apc installed.
- Assignments for homework Thursday; randomly
distributed among students by self-choice. Choose one!
- Datasets used for practicals and assignments.
- R-programs both for solutions to practicals
and examples used in the lectures
- List of participants.
- Statistical papers discussing APC models. It will be useful to
have browsed these before the course:
- We will use linear algebra during the course, so
these notes on linear
algebra with R may be useful to go through if you are not familiar
with the topic.
Previous courses in APC modeling
Last updated 29 April 2016, BxC